I was an active, deepened Haifan Baha'i for eighteen years. Over time, I lost my faith in the Administration and have since become a Free Baha'i, following Baha'u'llah and the Master alone. I had put my Haifan life behind me and didn't think much about it until recently when I had conversations with Haifan Baha'is about leaving the Faith. The Haifan Baha'is that I have known were remarkably ill-informed about other sects within the Baha'is, and what they did know (or think they knew) came either from fellow Baha'is. I'm particularly sensitive to this concerning Free Baha'is because of the obvious reasons. The recent exodus from the Haifan Baha'i Faith is caused by an excessive focus on the Universal House of Justice (UHJ), which is itself an irreligious body, thinking only in terms of accumulating wealth for its members.
grew up in a Baha'i family. I went to an entirely Baha'i primary and secondary school. The popular culture I imbibed included teaching the Faith, attending Ruhi classes, participating in National Baha'i Day festivities, and observing all Baha'i Holy days.
While speaking at a small youth conference arranged by the UHJ, it was the first time I realized that life cannot be managed by organized religion. This realization is only just coming into scope for this kind of social scientific inquiry. I believe this story is increasingly typical among serious Baha'i youths who considered the Baha'i Administration as a religion.
There is a backlash against the infallibility status of the UHJ. Many Haifans are rejecting the identity of "Baha'i" because they don't want to be associated with figures like Peter Khan, Shehriyar Razavi, Payman Mohajirs Correas, etc., given them the status of infallibility.
There is a backlash against Haifan culture due to numerous scandals, love stories involving Baha'i teachers, high divorce rates among Baha'is, and reports of extra-marital affairs among Baha'i counselors. The Baha'is say these are all welcomed by the UHJ.The Baha'i administration prefers unmarried women for pioneering purposes, contributing to an increase in immorality among the Baha'is.
Baha'i girls and boys rocking in front of their parents with suggestive pelvic thrusts have put elderly parents to shame. Once I asked my father, "Have we come to a religious function to revive ourselves spiritually or a fashion show program with scantily dressed ladies?"
People should realize that the Baha'i administration has nothing to offer to non-Baha'is. The Holy Writings have been sidelined; firesides, mass teaching, and the Ruhi curriculum have given no results leading to ultimate failure. The only way left for the Baha'i administration is to offer pop culture to save their Titanic from sinking. We will have good stories to tell our grandchildren about an attempt made by irreligious people and enemy agents against the Revealed religion called the Baha'i Faith, which could not see the light of the day and died prematurely.
- A Free Baha'i Writer
Reference : The Caravan, Volume 7, Edition 6
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