Thursday, 2 December 2021

Violation of Bahai Teachings by the UHJ

 Dear Bahai Readers,

We have been always told that the Bahai Faith is a universal religion for the present age and that a manifestation of God comes after every 1000 years to revive the word of God and keep the spirit of faith fresh by aligning laws tuned with the times. However, it seems that UHJ has taken over to change the commandment and issue ordinances to keep in tune with changing times within 100 years itself (without any manifestation appearing)!!

UHJ in its pursuit of popular support has thus put ethics and morality on the back-burner. As a humble devoted Bahai, I find a number of instances of lack of proper governance and conduct on part of UHJ. Hence with the sole purpose of rectification of the Faith highest body, I have embarked to bring to the attention of the community such instances through a series of articles. The first of the series of articles is titled  ’All is fair in love…’

Background: It is reported that youngsters deciding their own life partners is becoming common. Very often they elope with their lovers and enter into a civil marriage. In an official communication to the NSA of  Burma in 2011, the UHJ has taken an unexpected liberal stand on the issue and in fact reprimanded the NSA for its tough stand. An interesting analysis is presented on related issues as a comparison of what should be the response in line with Eqaan & Aqdas and what was the response of today's UHJ for the benefit of readers: UHJ justifies immoral character behind the barricades of love of the administrative body and innocence of the culprit. Then why do not UHJ says that while taking a declaration one should check how much one knows about the laws of the Faith. This is just justification Saying Bahais you do whatever you like but increase the Bahai number.

Sr No


The ruling of Eqaan & Aqdas

The ruling of UHJ of 21st Century


Disregard for Baha'i law by community members

Should not be tolerated at any cost

Develop a warm and loving relationship with the believers in its community. (this approach has resulted in more love relationships by Bahai youth)


Violation of Bahai Laws

Should not be accepted under any circumstances

Should be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Assembly should examine the specific circumstances of each situation, taking into account factors such

as the extent of a believer's prior understanding of the law …... 

(means that UHJ feels laws are outdated individuals are more important)


Violation of rule: Is there a concept of chance?

Violation is a violation and there is no difference in the first and second time. A Bahai is supposed to be a responsible member of the community and humanity.

Only in extreme circumstances, where a person, ignoring all admonishments from the Assembly, persists in his actions and knowingly and flagrantly violates a law, would it be necessary for the Assembly to consider a partial or full suspension of administrative rights.  (in reality, there are no admonishments only goody-goody behaviour)



How the assembly should be regarded

As a point for reference by the locals. Word of assembly is final, as its authority is from UHJ.

This is a harshly judgemental and punitive approach.

The Assembly should aspire to be regarded by the members of the community as a loving parent, wise in its understanding of the varying degrees of maturity of those entrusted to its care, compassionate in dealing with the problems which arise as a result of any shortcomings, ever prepared to guide them to the correct path, and very patient as they strive to effect the necessary changes in their behaviour. (read: be compromising in approach, strive to be popular rather  than correct)


Laws relating to chastity, marriage and divorce. 

Need to be respected and strictly observed and implemented

Be flexible and liberal in approach. With this approach, the Faith members would voluntarily accept. (what wishful thinking!!!)

Dear Readers, it is clear that the drift of UHJ would dilute the Faith Principles in no time. We need not wait for a new manifestation. We are already having a dynamic manifestation in form of UHJ who is ever keen to change with times. Wonder how many such out-of-wedlock relations exist in the UHJ? It is high time the UHJ becomes more quality conscious and avoid dancing to the public tune, else the fabric of Faith would be destroyed. Are Bahais in Iran giving so much sacrifice for this? Is Bahai blood so cheap? How long will the hypocrisy continue?

Truly Yours,

From a chip of the old block                                                       


(Courtesy: The National Spiritual Assembly of   the Baha'is of the Union of Myanmar)       

13 January 2011

Transmitted by email:


The National Spiritual Assembly of

  the Baha'is of the Union of Myanmar

Dear Baha'i Friends,

The Universal House of Justice has received your email letter dated 15 November 2010 regarding the prevalence of elopement among Baha'i youth.  It is understood that this is an issue which your community has faced for many years despite sanctions being placed on believers who show disregard for Baha'i law.  To assist you in your ongoing deliberations on this serious matter, we have been asked to provide you with the following comments, which address the general topic as well as the specific issue you raise.

     The aim of any Spiritual Assembly should be to develop a warm and loving relationship with the believers in its community so that it can most effectively nurture and encourage them in the acquisition of a deeper understanding of the Teachings and can assist them to follow the Baha'i principles in their personal conduct.  The Assembly should aspire to be regarded by the members of the community as a loving parent, wise in its understanding of the varying degrees of maturity of those entrusted to its care, compassionate in dealing with the problems which arise as a result of any shortcomings, ever prepared to guide them to the correct path, and very patient as they strive to effect the necessary changes in their behaviour.  Such an approach is far removed from the harshly judgemental and punitive approach which so often characterizes the administration of law in the wider society.

     The House of Justice feels that violations of Baha'i law, even when they involve blatant disregard for fundamental verities of the Faith, should be considered on a case-by-case basis.  This means that an Assembly should examine the specific circumstances of each situation, taking into account factors such as the extent of a believer's prior understanding of the law in question and whether he is willing to rectify the error quickly.  Only in extreme circumstances, where a person, ignoring all admonishments from the Assembly, persists in his actions and knowingly and flagrantly violates a law, would it be necessary for the Assembly to consider a partial or full suspension of administrative rights. In this regard, it may be helpful to consider the following, stated in a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi.

The general basis for the deprivation of voting rights is of course gross immorality and open opposition to the administrative functions of the Faith, and disregard for the laws of personal status; and even then it is the duty of the National Assembly, before exercising this sanction, to confer with the individuals involved in a loving manner to help them overcome the problem; second, to warn them that they must desist; three, to issue further warnings if the original warnings are not followed; and finally, if there seems no other way to handle the matter, then a person may be deprived of voting rights.  

 The circumstances you describe in your community demonstrate the kinds of judgement that an Assembly must exercise in upholding the laws of the Faith in its jurisdiction.  The first requirement lies in having a sound approach for the general education of the believers in the laws of the Faith, among which are the laws relating to chastity, marriage and divorce.  This is important because there is such a widespread attitude in non-Baha'i society that accords little respect to the formalities of marriage.  Any attempt to educate the community in the laws of the Faith, however, will need to be set in the context of the greater purpose of the Revelation to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization.  Baha'is should understand not only what it is they should do, but why these actions are important for the spiritual and moral health both of individuals and of society.  While this approach--necessarily gradual and long-term--proceeds, Assemblies must use good judgement in applying the laws, bearing in mind their responsibility to lovingly and patiently educate new believers and younger generations within the Faith.

     Thus, the Spiritual Assembly, both national and local, has a vital twofold responsibility.  It should aim not only to apply the laws of Baha'u'llah with justice and firmness but to increase the believers' understanding of, and devotion to, these laws and principles and above all to raise their awareness of the significance of the Revelation.  In this way, they will obey the laws not through fear of punishment but out of love for Baha'u'llah.

     In your deliberations on how to educate believers in the Baha'i law of marriage, you will no doubt wish to consult with Counsellor Myint Zaw Oo, as this is a matter vital to the spiritual health of the community.

                                     With loving Baha'i greetings,

                                     Department of the Secretariat

cc:  International Teaching Centre                                               

     Board of Counsellors in Asia

     Counsellor Myint Zaw Oo

Tuesday, 30 November 2021

The (Lip) Service of the Baha’i Administration at the time of the Covid-19 crises


Today, Humanity is at a critical juncture faced with the unprecedented and unexpected calamity in the form of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In the face of this crisis, Nations, Organisations, communities and even individuals are engaged in selfless service trying to help their fellow human beings’ tide over the devastating effects of this pandemic. Nations are rising over past rivalries and animosities, and people are rising over racism and xenophobia to help each other.

However, in the face of all of this, the “Baha’i Administration” is doing, as usual, NOTHING MEANINGFUL. The “Administration”, as always, in this time of crisis is bent on paying lip service and nothing more. This way of dumb and mute service is the innate nature of the “Baha’i Administration” and is in perfect alignment with the past set precedents of service of the “Administration”.

Allow me to enumerate the various “Powerful” (read: self-serving and futile; Lip Service) steps which the “Administration” will take at this time of crisis

  1. The various secretaries of the Local Spiritual Assemblies will write flowery reports, elaborating in detail each small action done by the individual Baha’is (branded as the LSA’s effort) while exaggerating the same to appear as a humungous effort on part of the LSA. This is while in reality the individual Baha’is themselves are encouraged to do good not for humanity but for LSA reports where each activity in counted. One LSA report states about their dilemma where the Baha’is are asking them for guidance as to how they should serve the community during these dire times! As if any sane person needs guidance on that!!!

The Secretaries of the LSA’s know very well that promotion in the Baha’i administrative order is very much tied to one’s capacity at writing attractive reports.

  • The National Spiritual Assemblies will then collect all of these puff pieces to assemble a massive report which will be nothing but a whole lot of blarney. All NSA’s are supposed to be masters in exaggerating the already exaggerated. The reality here is that the re-election of all of these “serving” members of LSA and NSAs depends on these rubbish reports and exaggerations. The secretary of the NSAs will then forwards these reports to the world centre which will then generate a very holy sounding poetic statement which would sound something like this: –

“In city after city, village after village, we see that a greater consciousness of our common humanity is emerging among many people. This is spurring them on to help others and to transcend traditional barriers and prejudices that keep them apart. The Baha’i communities together with local organizations and institutions are raising awareness about the corona virus disease (COVID-19).”

  • The next step in their self-serving Lip Service at this time of crisis would be to send out correspondences to figures of authority in various countries (like the office of the Prime Minister etc). This work comes under the purview of the External Affairs Committee of the NSA and is the most important assignment for all of the NSAs worldwide. In these letters/correspondences the NSAs will express their sympathies and solidarity with the government in this crisis while emphasising that they are all obeying the respective directives given by the said government but without ever explicitly specifying how “they” are going to help.

Because in reality they have no intention of helping and the purpose of sending such a letter is much more sinister. What they in fact desire is a response (which is usually issued to all organisations which write to these august offices) from these figures in authority thanking them for their sympathies which will then be used by the administration to publicise their “Achievement”  worldwide – That the Bahai’s have received welcoming and appreciating letters from Heads of States – As if the religion of Baha’u’llah needs validation from them.

While not always, often it has also been seen that a whisper campaign is then started to spread malicious news that such and such head of state is now a Baha’i and is hiding his true beliefs fearing public repercussion – proof of which is a polite letter of thanks written by them (simply audacious)

  • The NSAs will then start asking for money from the ordinary Baha’is (whom they fondly refer to as sheep) and from other organisations. Of these monies a very small percentage actually makes its way to relief activities (and the NSAs feel no need to publish statistics regarding how many cents to a dollar is actually spent towards relief activities)  but not before the “Administration” will very shamefully make it into a photo-op, usually with Government officials involved , for worldwide circulation, to show acceptance of the Baha’i faith. 
  • And Lastly there is section of the “Administration” called as the Kamalabadi Baha’is who will take great pride in labelling this occasion of misfortune as the revenge of Baha’u’llah on Humanity. They will in fact label all that befalls humanity as the revenge of Baha’u’llah since Humanity has not accepted the message of Baha’u’llah, in their sordid thinking, it is then necessary for Baha’u’llah to take revenge from humanity by involving it in harsh punishments.

This kind of thinking originates from a mind which has suffered years of spiritual rot at the hands of the Administration. Such statements of hate and acting like spokespersons for Baha’u’llah comes naturally to them since they have for long left the true teachings of Baha’u’llah and have adopted false ideas, false systems and false “Administrations” as authorities over them.

I believe that it is the moral responsibility of all true Baha’is to condemn these Kamalabadi Baha’is who find solace in the Misfortune of others (including the many Baha’i who have been affected by this).

Alas, But in these times of tribulations and crisis, it seems that the chosen ones of Baha’u’llah, us Baha’is appear to be the most lost all because of this false “Administration” which does service only when it is self-service and helps only when it needs help in return. And all of this grand charade of service (Lip Service) by the “Administration” at the time of crises is only a means of marking their presence and safeguarding their relevance in our society.

Thank you.

A pained Baha’i





Friday, 30 April 2021

Soli Sorabjee, former attorney general of India dies due to COVID-19 at the age of 91 in Delhi, India

Born into a Zoroastrian family, he married Zena Sorabjee, a  Baha'i by faith. He did not accept the Baha'i faith for his whole life. The Apex organisation of the Baha'i Faith, the Universal House of Justice was aware of the influence and power which Soli Sorabjee yielded with the Government of India. The House of Justice was aware that a non-Baha'i - Soli Sorabjee, is more helpful to them than a Baha'i one. So, they never insisted on his being converted to the Baha'i Faith. Once he became old, sick and useless, the UHJ asked his wife Zena Sorabjee to resign from the National Spiritual Assembly of India, on which she was duly elected that year.

Soli Sorabjee assisted the Baha'is with major projects like the construction of the Baha'i Lotus Temple in Delhi.

He was also a major point of contact for the Baha'is to get their works done with the Indian government.

His influence was used by the Baha'is to get the huge piece of land from Delhi authorities. 

He also helped Lotus temple trustees when they were accused of "document forgery" and "embezzling funds". They have used him in all possible ways for the overall benefit of the Baha'i faith in India.

Soli used to make fun of the Baha'is when he used to hear that there are 3 to 4 million Baha'is in the world! He used to say, "either you say 3 million, or 4 million, or better you say, you don't know the number! You cannot fool the intelligent people."

Today, the UHJ is playing the same game with his daughter Zia Mody. Zia an imminent lawyer is handling all legal matters of the Baha'i organisation, free of cost! She also donates huge amounts to the Baha'i administration, in return she receives a letter from the Universal House of Justice that they will pray at the threshold of the Shrines! All missionary activities of the Baha'is in India is carried out with Zia’s contributions to various Baha'i funds.

What Soli Sorabjee received from the Baha’is?

There will be memorial meetings at the Baha'i Centres in various cities. Soli Sorabjee will be remembered as a friend of the faith, but he will be listed among the influential persons who have converted to the Baha'i Faith!

These kinds of personalities are always regarded as Baha'is after their death! Don't forget the Queen of Romania who remained a devout Christian until her death but is counted among the "influential Baha'is" due to her connection with the Baha'is.

The Baha'i organization is nothing but a group of full-time hypocrites.

Monday, 19 April 2021



Shoghí Effendí Rabbání (March 1, 1897 – November 4, 1957), better known as Shoghi Effendi, was the Guardian and appointed head of the Bahá’í Faith from 1921 until his death in 1957.

After the death of Abdu’l Baha in 1921, Shoghi Effendi was referred to as the Guardian of the faith by the Haifan Bahais. After his death, the Universal House of Justice took over both as the executive and legislative authority of the faith.

Subsequently, attempts were made to answer the question of, change of a century old tradition of, guardianship multiple times with varied explanations by the Universal House of Justice.

His Death.

Shoghi Effendi in his last and crucial moments was left alone by his wife Ruhiyya Maxwell Khanum who was attending to some business in the United Kingdom.

Shoghi Effendi death scandlous

Although, it is widely believed within popular circles that he had a bout of the Avian flu which ultimately resulted into his passing away from this world, a look at the death certificate says otherwise. The death certificate explicitly illustrates the cause of death as coronary thrombosis. It may be observed that the cause of death on the certificate is endorsed by a County Coroner (of City of Marylebone – An area at the west end of London) after a thorough post mortem.

Significance of the death certificate and the record of death as observed in the records of 1957

In order to understand the significance of the death certificate, it would be apt to take a look at the procedures of death registration in the United Kingdom as illustrated in the following paragraphs.

Extracts from  :

3. When a death is reported to a coroner

A doctor may report the death to a coroner if the:

  • cause of death is unknown
  • death was violent or unnatural
  • death was sudden and unexplained
  • person who died was not visited by a medical practitioner during their final illness
  • medical certificate isn’t available
  • person who died wasn’t seen by the doctor who signed the medical certificate within 14 days before death or after they died
  • death occurred during an operation or before the person came out of anaesthetic
  • medical certificate suggests the death may have been caused by an industrial disease or industrial poisoning

The coroner may decide that the cause of death is clear. In this case:

  1. The doctor signs a medical certificate.
  2. You take the medical certificate to the registrar.
  3. The coroner issues a certificate to the registrar stating a post-mortem isn’t needed.


The coroner may decide a post-mortem is needed to find out how the person died. This can be done either in a hospital or mortuary.

You can’t object to a coroner’s post-mortem – but if you’ve asked the coroner must tell you (and the person’s GP) when and where the examination will take place.

Uncovering the circumstances of Shoghi Effendis Death

  • Post his death, a General Practitioner or GP (Doctor) was called in to certify his death as is the practice in most parts of the world. Upon initial examination and visual inspection, the GP decided to report the death to a coroner for further investigation and did not issue a death certificate since prima facie from the look of it; it seemed that his death was under very suspicious circumstances (refer extract from . So violent / unnatural state was the corpse in that medical personnel could not identify its gender, see para ahead). This is inferred from the extracts above as well as diary entries extracted from “findmypast” and that reporting of the death to the coroner itself casts a question as to the circumstances that preceded his death. Not only this, we can find references all over historical articles available on this subject that leads us to infer that the corpse was somehow heavily mutilated and Shoghi Effendi died a suspicious and mysterious death that was concealed at all points by all those most near to him.
  • The said diary entries of this death made by the authorities from GP reports as accessed in “find my past records service – UK” show the gender of Shoghi as “Unknown”. It is surprising that a doctor could not ascertain the gender of Shoghi Effendi upon initial examination and visual inspection. This clearly indicates that either his body was heavily mutilated or it indicated characteristics exhibited by eunuchs.
  • Thereafter, reaffirming these questions raised by the GP as to the nature of circumstances preceding the death, the coroner chose to perform an autopsy (or a post mortem). The report of this post mortem infers that Shoghi died of coronary thrombosis although the popular belief amongst members of Baha’i faith is that he died of Avian flu.
  • It is worth quoting a testimony of one of many eminent observers present at the time of demise of Shoghi Effendi viz. Mayson Reymey. He was not only present but has also made a mention of accounts of the state of the corpse as well as sheds some light on the circumstances surrounding his death. He says and I quote –

“But they separated the viscera of the body of the Guardian, and put it in the shroud for a few days; so, it was completely rotten and His holy body had become very dangerous and intolerable, so that no one could recognize him. It was then when we arrived in London. The Holy Corpse was then placed in a bronze and lead box to avoid further damage to it! While no one was aware of the events that had taken place, and the only report Ruhiyyih Khanum gave was during putting the Holy Corpse in the lead box, which was filled with flowers, and she stated that everything was fragrant.”

(Notes and Memories by Yadullah Thabit Rasikh – Nashebo Faraz, Chapter 5)

  • A glance at the death certificate issued by the city of Marylebone – London for Shoghi Effendi will be proof enough for anyone that he did indeed die of coronary thrombosis. Post his death, the body got into such a state before anyone attended to it that it required a postmortem before laws of the land permitted disposal of the same. Even so, the Baha’i Administration has gone overdrive in trying to cover this up by spreading rumours of the Avian flu. It seems that there is something associated with the death of Shoghi effendi that they are trying to hide although the pursuit of truth always prevails at the end.
  • One can observe the discrepancy of gender as mentioned in the diary entry (that says gender unknown) and the death certificate issued subsequently. This is simply because the find my past records rely on entries made by medical personell and authorities whereas the death certificate includes information supplied by the person applying for it (viz. his wife Ruhiyya Maxwell Khanum)
  • The death of this guardian Shoghi Effendi ended the chain of guardianship against the prophesies of Baha’u’llah and Abdu’l Baha. All the above points intrigues the reader to investigate further into why so much mystery surrounds the death of this one person who is likely the last popular guardian before Baha’i Administration hijacked the faith? Most likely, all this point out to the forging of the will and testament that the master has beforementioned many a times to the benefit of the current day administration.

Source: The Free Baha'is Official Website

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Persecution of Persian Baha’is in Baha’i Administration

Since the advent of different Sects of Baha’is, The Baha’i Administration is trying very hard to purge the Persian Baha’is from Baha’i Administration. The Baha’is especially the Jew Baha’is are of the opinion that Persian Baha’is are behind the development of sects . Recently with the appointment of Nosratullah Bahremand a Persian by origin as the fourth guardian the Persian Baha’is are having soft corner for him. The Persian Baha’is are felling that their due right is not be given by the Baha’i administration although they have sacrificed and  served a lot and faced of persecution  in most of the countries.

Very recently A prominent Heterodox Baha’i, Omid Seioshansian, who was born in Qatar, is blacklisted in Qatar. Government authorities in the country have levelled criminal and national security charges against him. Mr. Omid now will be face severe penalties in Qatar’s judicial system. And will be denied entry.

Although Bani Duggal, the BIC’s Principal Representative to the United Nations. Said that The Baha’i International Community is saddened that the State of Qatar has chosen to expel members of a community that has peacefully coexisted in and contributed to the progress of the country but many prominent  Baha’is are of the opinion that Universal House of Justice is behind the expelling of Omid as they are in cleansing process of Persian Baha’is and Omid a high ranking Persian Baha’i in Baha’i Administration, with an eye on selection on UHJ has a lot of cloud in country like India.

Recently another high-ranking Persian Baha’i a counsellor Dr. Jabbar Eidelkhani who has served for many years in Bangladesh also removed from his post and a very insignificant Indian Baha’i was asked to wear his shoes.

Another Iranian Lady a former counsellor Mr. Zena Sorabjee and member of NSA of India was asked to resign/retire from NSA after being elected on NSA.

In Heterodox organisation a thought is prevailing that Persian Baha’is are working in groups and are having soft corner for the Persian fourth Guardian Nosratullah Bahremand of the Orthodox Baha’i Faith who is calling his shots from Australia.

We have to wait and watch who is next in their list of persecution.